Playing Catch Up
This past year has been such a whirlwind, I've hardly had time to catch my breath, but here's a rundown of what's happened and what's...

Less Than A Week - Prepping for The Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend & 25th Anniversary World Horror
Less than a week to go for the Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend & 25th Anniversary World Horror Convention to be held in Atlanta, Georgia May...

Prepping for The Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend and 25th Anniversary World Horror Convention in Atlanta
There’s less than a month to go for The Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend and 25th Anniversary World Horror Convention in Atlanta at the...

2015 Tucson Festival of Books
HWA member and Bram Stoker Award®-nominated editor R.J. Cavender hosted the first ever Tucson Festival of Books Writers Retreat at the...

HWA’s Silver Hammer Award
Los Angeles—The Horror Writers Association (HWA), the premier organization of writers and publishers of horror and dark fantasy, today...

"Ruminations" Makes 2014 Final Ballot
Horror Writers Association Reveals Final Ballot for 2014 Bram Stoker Awards® end .post-info The Horror Writers Association, the premier...