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Less Than A Week - Prepping for The Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend & 25th Anniversary World Horror

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Less than a week to go for the Bram Stoker Awards® Weekend & 25th Anniversary World Horror Convention to be held in Atlanta, Georgia May 7-10, 2015. A couple of the “goodie” bag items I’d ordered got proofs in late, because I had to wait for the artwork to be approved. I checked up on one today and saw that the delivery date was for May 7th. I immediately got online and worked something out with the company so that the items will be delivered Tuesday, May 5th, since I’m leaving Wednesday, May 6th at 0630hrs. (If you have anything you’ve been waiting on or are expecting to receive, go online, check the invoice and make sure your delivery date is prior to your departure. If not, contact them immediately. They may be able to expedite your order.) I also ordered some more business cards, because I wanted to try out that MOO company. Those are supposed to arrive May 6th, but that’s okay because I’d already ordered some from a different company. (Good thing, too. I didn’t realize the MOO ones would take so long to print up.)

Because life would be boring if I wasn’t overwhelmed, along with packing for this convention, I’m packing for a move into a new house a week after I return from the convention. Unfortunately, I packed some of the books I wanted signed by convention guests that registered late. I’ve decided not to go through the packed boxes. I’ll catch those authors next time around, hopefully, or purchase another copy at the convention. (I tend to do this a lot.) Then donate my unsigned copies to my local library. So group those books together, along with any books you plan on bringing to sell, and your bookmarks, and ad cards.

Since I tore my anterior talofibular ligament last Wednesday and am in a walking boot, and using crutches, the wardrobe I’d planned on packing has dramatically changed. This trip is all about comfort and not exposing myself if I trip or fall while drinking on pain meds. I’ll also need to find some shoes that match the exact height of the beautiful black Frankenstein walking boot, so I’m not totally off-kilter. I’m hoping all other attendees can ignore this advice.

Cameras. Are you really going to use it? I have an awesome Samsung camera I recently purchased that syncs straight to my smartphone. Normally, I’d just use my phone, but I’d like some really good pictures. And since I plan on being seated most of the time, I’m going to bring it. Plus, every once in a while I’m able to capture that awesome blackmail photo and having a zoom lens is helpful for this.

My laptop. I’m leaving it this time even though I’ve got a cool, new Robert Graham skulls laptop bag that holds everything. I just never end up using it at conventions and it’s less of a hassle going through airport security. All my email accounts are synced with my smartphone now, anyhow. I can even print up boarding passes from it. Technology is good. (Until I lose my phone, or drop it, or break it.) Then having all that technology in one handheld device is bad.

If there’s a special place you wanted to try that you saw on the Food Network, you ought to make resers now. In Portland, I’d planned a Pok Pok trip straightaway, and it was absolutely worth it.

Make sure you’ve got all your electronics and their chargers and adapters grouped together. Set aside plane things if you’ve got a long flight: Kindle, small notebook (in case you come up with ideas), iPod, headphones, snacks, breath mints, etc. Also, don’t forget to pack your favorite pen.

There’s so much more, but I can’t give away all my organizational secrets, and plus, I think OCD is contagious. Be thankful.

I hope everyone attending has safe travels. And please say, “Hello”, and I’ll try to do the same.

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